Careening into December: A Reminder to Take it Easy

Picture of a speedometer lit up in the dark. The needle hovers around 80 km/h.
Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Did you feel life pick up speed his week?  I know I did. My inbox flooded with loudspeaker announcements of sales, as every store I've ever shopped at tried to grab a piece of me.  Yikes!

Whether or not you're in the thick of things already, we're all close.  It's the last week of November after all. The time when to-do lists surge out of control. Parties and concerts abound.  We burn through our reserves of Vitamin D.

I'm on high alert.

As a small business owner, my biggest risk to my productivity isn't a computer virus or a power outage.  For me, it's the common cold and flu.

Have you ever tried to write when you're sick?  Sinuses aren't the only thing that clog - inspiration does too. And it's hard to be creative when you're sleeping.

Starting now, I'm keeping extra special watch over my well-being. That means paying attention to hand-washing. Staying hydrated. Getting enough sleep and exercise. And keeping tabs on my stress and anxiety levels too - this is a season of high expectations and limited daylight.

Germs don't just sink business plans. I've seen 'em crash parties, and even sideline vacations. Don't let this happen!

We are encouraged this time of year to look beyond ourselves, give generously and share joy and goodwill wherever we go.  There is so much that is right with this message.  But it's not supposed to be at the expense of our own health.

Just like the oxygen masks on the plane, we need to take care of ourselves before we can take care of others.

Now go enjoy the festivities of the upcoming month!

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