Introducing...My New Website!
So much to ❤️ at Centrepiece Writing Studio |
You know how it feels when you try on a jacket, or get a new 'do, or get in the driver's seat of a new car, and it just feels so...
You get a confident twinkle in your eye, maybe a little strut in your step - and you think to yourself: Yeah, this is me!
That's how I feel every time I visit my new website:!
This site is such an authentic reflection of who I am and the services I offer - I can't wait for you to check it out.
Yeah, this is me!
For those of you who've been following my blog all along, you'll see a few familiar pieces from the archives, as well as a lot of new content, including a couple deep dives into my work, and a poem perfect for this time of year. Okay, it's a poem for mid-January, but February counts, especially in a pandemic!
Huge props and a virtual high five to my interstellar web designer Marleen at Almostronaut for helping me realize my vision. She'll help you with all your graphic needs too.
Now that my new site is live, I'll be winding down this blog, so make sure you sign up for my new list - Just the Right Words - to get fresh updates served straight to your inbox.
I'll send a reminder or two before I pack up just to make sure you've all transferred over correctly, but why wait?
Go check it out!
Then let's talk about how we can tell your story. If you've got a wedding, funeral or retirement party coming up (Zoom counts!), I'll make sure you've got what you need to show up with confidence.
Hi - I'm Shannon, owner and lead writer at Centrepiece Writing Studio. I love telling human stories that help us connect. I write speeches for all occasions, create engaging copy and love putting fictional characters in silly situations to see what they'll do.
If you need a hand finding just the right words for your toast, eulogy or professional bio, I've got you covered. I'll help you tell your story.
Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram and make sure to stay in the know by signing up for email updates delivered fresh to your inbox.
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