FAQ: Minding my own Busy-ness
Photo courtesy of Ylanite Koppens @ Pexels "Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day of your life." - Unknown Every week? people typically ask when I tell them about my blog posts. Me: Every week. That feels about right to build discipline, exercise my writing muscles and stay on the radar. What if you're away? I can post remotely. What if you're sick? Well, okay, I always prioritize my health, but I don't get sick very often. That sounds busy... The question I get asked most since I launched my blog goes something along the lines of: You're doing this in your spare time?! You must be busy... The truth is, it does take up quite a bit of time outside of my day job. There's so much I want to write, research, plan and create to advance the project. And only limited hours per week. But - much like the burn in your legs after a long run - it's the good kind of pain. I've struggled with the oth...