FAQ: Minding my own Busy-ness
Photo courtesy of Ylanite Koppens @ Pexels
"Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day of your life." - Unknown |
Every week? people typically ask when I tell them about my blog posts.
Me: Every week. That feels about right to build discipline, exercise my writing muscles and stay on the radar.
What if you're away?
I can post remotely.
What if you're sick?
Well, okay, I always prioritize my health, but I don't get sick very often.
That sounds busy...
The question I get asked most since I launched my blog goes something along the lines of: You're doing this in your spare time?! You must be busy...
The truth is, it does take up quite a bit of time outside of my day job. There's so much I want to write, research, plan and create to advance the project. And only limited hours per week.
But - much like the burn in your legs after a long run - it's the good kind of pain.
I've struggled with the other kind of busy before: the kind of busy weighted down with shoulds and woulds. The kind of busy that decides to drive to get groceries instead walking. The busy that sucks your energy dry then promises everything will be alright if you just have one more chocolate bar, glass of wine, season of your favourite Netflix binge series, (pick your poison).
But this is the kind of busy that drives me to nap after dinner so I can buy a couple extra productive hours before bed. The kind of busy that slips a notebook into my bag so I'm ready whenever inspiration strikes. The kind of busy that causes me to evaluate how much time I'm spending on TV and Facebook.
It's a busy that liberates rather than oppresses.
In other words, it's a labour of love.
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