Happy Labour Day

Person holding up an autumnal leaf to the sun.
Without labour, nothing prospers.  - Sophocles

Am I the only one who didn't know the origins of Labour Day?

I always imagined it had something to do with taking one last day to put up our feet before digging in to the heavy work required between now and the harvest leading up to Thanksgiving.

In fact, here in Canada, Labour Day doesn't have anything to do with farming. It dates all the way back to 1872, when print workers in Toronto won the right to a nine-hour day, down from 12 hours.  Check out the details here.

One hundred and forty-six years later, it can still be tricky to find that elusive work-life balance. Between family, home and personal responsibilities (not to mention getting enough rest and having enough fun!), the struggle is real.  I'm lucky to work for an employer that offers several flexible options.

This Labour Day, I'm celebrating:  my request has been approved to shift down to four days per week starting in October!

This is something I've dreamed of for years.

Now that I've committed to laying the track for a new business venture, these extra days per month will open up more dedicated time for learning the ropes, expanding my network, honing tricks of the trade, and generally minding my own business.

 Rest up everyone, it's gonna be a busy Fall!

Photo courtesy of Kaique Rocha at Pexels.


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