The Constant Struggle Between Rushing and Resting

Close up photo of a wheat field.
"A field that has rested yields a bountiful crop"    - Ovid

This is the first week I wasn't quite feeling the blog.  It wasn't writer's block exactly - I started a handful of new topics.  It's just that none of them feel quite ready. And I was tired.

Maybe it was that ready-for-a-break feeling after a full week.

Or it could be a natural low point after six weeks of sustained momentum.

Maybe it's the air pressure, moon phase, or a butterfly on the other side of the world flapping its wings at just the right moment. Who knows?

It's easy to internalize societal pressure to #SleepWhenImDead and smash through my success-limiting energy plateau like the Kool-Aid man on a hot day. This wussy need for a break is obviously just self-doubt manifesting reasons to quit...  Unless it's that barely perceptible early-warning alarm reminding me to quiet my mind and bolster my immune system. 

There are times to push ahead and times to rest, and mine is a constant struggle to figure out which is which.

I'm not going to get anywhere without discipline, consistency and some serious time management.  I know this.

But on the other hand, creativity is a delicate animal. It needs rest and nurture and fresh air, especially a fledgling little creature like mine.

So, even though I'm just as eager as the next gal to #GetBusyLiving, I'm also very happy to #ReadABookAndThenHaveANap.

That might mean missing an arbitrary self-imposed blog deadline every once in a while.

Just not today.

Photo courtesy of Pixabay at Pexels.


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