Careening into December: A Reminder to Take it Easy
Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. -Ralph Waldo Emerson Did you feel life pick up speed his week? I know I did. My inbox flooded with loudspeaker announcements of sales, as every store I've ever shopped at tried to grab a piece of me. Yikes! Whether or not you're in the thick of things already, we're all close. It's the last week of November after all. The time when to-do lists surge out of control. Parties and concerts abound. We burn through our reserves of Vitamin D. I'm on high alert. As a small business owner, my biggest risk to my productivity isn't a computer virus or a power outage. For me, it's the common cold and flu. Have you ever tried to write when you're sick? Sinuses aren't the only thing that clog - inspiration does too. And it's hard to be creative when you're sleeping. Starting now, I'm keeping extra special watch over my well-being. That means paying attention to hand-washing. Stay...