Inch by Inch, Row by Row
"Life begins the day you start a garden." - Chinese proverb I've been thinking a lot about my garden this summer. Three years ago, my garden was in disarray. The plants had been planted haphazardly before we moved in, as if by an apathetic grocery bagger who doesn't care they've just packed your eggs on top of your bread. The so-called gardener was obviously at the end of their day, nearing the end of their plants, and tossed whatever was left into our backyard in a hurry before going off to grab a weekend beer with friends. After a couple of years of ( ignorance- and priority-related ) neglect, the ornamental grasses had spread with abandon. I didn't know anything about gardening, and every time I looked out the back window, I felt a heaviness; the emotional burden of clutter and disorder. Recently as I planted a couple of daphnes given by a friend, it dawned on me that I was close to the end of planting. I have reached my goal of having a ...