
Showing posts from July, 2018

The Game of the Name

I read in a book once that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, but I've never been able to believe it.  I don't believe a rose *would * be as nice if it was called a thistle or a skunk cabbage.  -  L.M. Montgomery's title character, Anne of Green Gables According to legend, it took three days for my parents to settle on my name.  I'm glad they took the time to really think through the decision, because a name is a big deal. Our names are deeply connected to who we are. Some of us change our names to signal significant life changes, advance our careers or demonstrate a close relationship to another. And whether we like it or not, our names convey basic information about us to strangers. Even though it's early days, I'm starting to feel a sense of urgency to choose a business name. In terms of logistics, my business name is the foundation for a lot work I'm keen to start: the website, business cards, and other marketing materials ...

Technical Lesson #1: Choosing a Blog Platform

"Often any decision, even the wrong decision, is better than no decision." - Ben Horowitz, businessman, author, blogger I honestly didn't think this was going to be such a hard decision.  Isn't blogging the digital equivalent of opening to a blank page and starting to write? But there are a lot of considerations for a new blogger.  For instance: Do you care how it looks?  (Me: of course! ). How much do want to pay for your blog? ( $0 to cheap ). Do you want to make money showing ads ( uh...maybe? ) CINNABON I LOVE YOU! Just sayin'... Do you have your heart set on an independent domain name, like  Or can you live with a sub-domain? like ( ugly, and will anyone even find me here? ) Do you know the first thing about coding or programming or hosting or SEO?*  ( nope ).  So here I am on Blogger. For free blogs, my top two choices were (not to be confused with ...

My First Client

Actions are the seed of fate, deeds grow into destiny.  -Harry S. Truman A couple of weeks ago, I got to see my work in action. My first client, a close friend of 20 years, is a working mom of two energetic young boys. I also learned after our work had begun that she was in the process of buying a new home and selling her current one. Talk about busy! With her Dad's celebration of life approaching, I asked if she needed a hand organizing her thoughts. Her answer was a clear yes, and as it turns out, the timing was perfect. She had just started getting her thoughts down on paper. *    *    * I was wondering if you’re planning on speaking at your Dad’s memorial, and if you’d like any help preparing?  I don’t mean to put you on the spot if it’s not something you were planning... But if it’s something you’ve been considering, I’d be honoured to help out in the next few weeks... -Shannon *    *  ...

Minding My Own Business

There I was, minding my own business, when... There's nothing like crossing a major milestone to inspire navel-gazing deep reflection on how I'm contributing to the world. So I recently created a list of my best skills. Not just my best résumé skills ( works well with others , excellent communicator ) , but my best life skills. My best inherently-me skills. I brainstormed, sorted and sifted. At the end of it all, I decided I'm gonna keep my day job. (Surprise! ) How many epiphany stories start with the hero staying right where they are? As silly as it sometimes gets, I actually kinda like my day job (mostly) and I love the people I work with. I'm also gonna start my own business . (Double surprise!) Start super-small. Learn as I go. Trust my network to support me.  Grow my network. Keep it fun! And blog about Minding My Own Business . All in my spare time. Outside my comfort zone, yes. But inherently me. So...what is my own business?  I have som...